segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2014

Send us your question to the crew and cast! - See how!

Hello everybody! We have really exciting news for you!
As you know, with your help, we did a sort of interview to Karine Vanasse (Margaux LeMarchal on Revenge) a while ago and since we still have to wait a few months for the new season, we decided to repeat the surprise!
This time, we're going to send questions to three people! YES, THREE EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE WHO MAKE PART OF THE CAST AND CREW OF REVENGE!!
Are you feeling excited yet? Then, let us tell you who will you have the luck to send your questions to:
- Shannon Van Metre  - Revenge Camera Dept.
- Jill Ohanneson - Designer
and last but not least........(drums rolling)
- Henri Esteve - actor (Javier Salgado on Revenge)

If you want to make part of this initiative, please let us know! How? Just send us a tweet with your question(s) to @RevengeUpdates and tell us who is it for. If you don't feel comfortable of people knowing what you're asking, please ask us to follow you and DM us instead OR send us an email to

Please try to send them as soon as possible, we'll announce the deadline soon on our twitter. We'd also like to ask you to share this as much as possible in order to give other Revenge fans the opportunity to send us their questions as well.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy it!